Projects |. Liminal Places. |. Mapping. |. Five Kilometre Zone. |. My Ocean Line
Cartography has been employed for map-making throughout history from early forms of picturing maps, land grappling of colonialism, to surveillances of contemporary digital mapping system. With the ability of symbolically representing of natural world, map-making projects a sense of abstraction that communicates complex meanings beyond measurable visual landforms. The method of map-making has been used as a creative strategy in art, such as in the work of American artist Julie Mehretu and Australian artist Emily Kame Kngwarreye. Mehretu engages mapping as a creative strategy to create multi-layered spaces to express global issues within social and political landscapes. Kngwarreye uses energetic gestures of dots and lines to create overlapping mashed patterns in her composition, which represents the Indigenous concepts of Country and ways of linking mapping to the land. Both artists contest the notion of ownership, occupation control commonly found in colonial map-making.
As a conceptual strategy, my work examines a new cartographical method that breaks away from the euro-centered ways of viewing and presenting landscape from a single-point-of-view, with diverse methods and approaches, such as Chinese multi-perspective and new technology, to integrate greater connectivity, transformation and expansion as a way of opening mapping system in painting.